NANOWRIMO Synopsis Share

We’re a few days into NaNo and I thought I would do a post where we can share a bit about our latest work in progress.

Share your short synopsis with us in the comments.

Share your progress.

Share your goals for the up coming week.

NANOWRIMO Synopsis time!

NaNoWriMo Day 2 2016

I did a bit better on day two. I got up to 3,360 words.

I haven’t had any time to write yet today. I’ll tackle that as soon as I’m done with this post. And while I’m at swim lessons with my little fish.

Are you were you want to be?

How did NaNoWriMo Day 2 2016 go for you?


NaNoWriMo Day 1 2016

I got a few minutes this morning to write. I got 37 words on the page.

How was your NaNoWriMo Day 1 2016?

Oh and some edits to Vested in Her.


If you’re doing NaNo I’m sure you have some plan wether it be detailed or notes scratched on a napkin. I wish you luck. Remember any words written is an accomplishment.

I’m still undecided if I’m embarking on the NaNo journey this year. I have to work 7 1/2 hours tomorrow morning so I may not get a start till day two even if I do decide to participate. I get most of my writing done in the mornings when I have the house to myself.

I have two works in progress that are begging me to finish them and a final edit on Out of the Blue calling my name.

I do have another idea swimming around in my head that would like to be written down but I’m not sure it’s more than a short story.

NANOWRIMO Eve has me scratching my head.

Are you all set? Are you a napkin scribbler like me or a full on planner?

#TeaserTues – Her Unexpected Life, Excerpt Take 6

This major tense rewrite is complete.

Her Unexpected Life

I was almost ready to publish this for pre-order and then I decided to rewrite it. I had went out on a limb and wrote it in present tense. After much thought and advice  I decided to change it.

This version needs to run through my editor. So typos may be present.

Past versions

Her Unexpected Life 8-16-16

Her Unexpected Life 6-14-16

Her Unexpected Life 5-3-16

Her Unexpected Life 3-25-16
Her Unexpected Life – 12-15-15

Chapter One-End of January


Valerie Cooper’s cell phone jingled to life in the middle of the pop aisle at her local Hugemart. Swiping her finger across the screen, she read the text from her husband. I’m moving out.

Ha! Auto-correct, the technological version of that telephone game the kids play. Valerie’s thumbs wrestled with the touch screen of her phone to send her reply. I think auto-correct got you. Lol! She tossed her phone back in her purse and moved on to the next aisle where she was greeted by the scent of roses. Umm. I love the scent of roses.

Moments later, a few cheerful jingles announced his response. No. It didn’t. I’m moving out of the house, and in with Wendy.

The corners of Valerie’s eyes crinkled and she pursed her lips as she waited for the punch line in this bizarre joke of her husband’s. Curtis, as far as jokes go, this one sucks, babe. She didn’t throw her phone back in her purse this time. Instead, she stood fixed in the aisle, almost rooted to the spot while waiting on his retort. The humor of his joke must have been over her head. Continue reading

#TeaserTues – Her Unexpected Life Excerpt Take 5

Round Five? Edits are complete

her-unexpected-lifeI’m so close to publishing this.

I decided to not dwell on the name I’m publishing under and to focus on just getting it ready. I sent it back to my editor and got it in .mobi form to send to my betas readers. It looks so good on my kindle app.

I wanted to share the most up to date version of this with you on Tuesday but it’s my youngest’s week to drag mom around town without her sister. So, I was being held hostage at a fast food play place with no laptop because mommy is always working on that thing. I’m sharing now and will back date it for Tuesday. I love the back dating option.

Her Unexpected Life 6-14-16

Her Unexpected Life 5-3-16

Her Unexpected Life 3-25-16
Her Unexpected Life – 12-15-15

Chapter One-End of January

Valerie Cooper’s cell phone jingles to life in the middle of the pop aisle at her local Hugemart. Swiping her finger across the screen, she reads the text from her husband. I’m moving out.

Ha! Auto-correct, the technological version of that telephone game the kids play. Valerie’s thumbs wrestle with the touch screen of her phone to send her reply. I think auto-correct got you. Lol! She tosses her phone back in her purse and moves on to the next aisle where she is greeted by the scent of roses. Umm. I love the scent of roses.

Moments later, a few cheerful jingles announce his response. No. It didn’t. I’m moving out of the house, and in with Wendy.

The corners of Valerie’s eyes crinkle and she purses her lips as she waits for the punch line in this bizarre joke of her husband’s. Curtis, as far as jokes go, this one sucks, babe. She doesn’t throw her phone back in her purse this time. Instead, she stands fixed in the aisle, almost rooted to the spot while waiting on his retort. The humor of his joke must be over her head. Continue reading

#TeaserTues – Her Unexpected Life Excerpt Edited-4

Her Unexpected Life

Round Four Edits

Her Unexpected Life 5-3-16

Her Unexpected Life 3-25-16
Her Unexpected Life – 12-15-15

Chapter One-End of January

Valerie Cooper’s cell phone jingles to life in the middle of the pop aisle at her local Hugemart. Swiping her finger across the screen, she reads the text from her husband. ‘I’m moving out.’

Ha! Auto-correct, the technological version of that telephone game the kids play. Valerie’s thumbs wrestle with the touch screen of her phone to send her reply. ‘I think auto-correct got you. Lol!’ She tosses her phone back in her purse and moves on to the next isle where she is greeted by the scent of roses. I love roses.

Moments later a few cheerful jingles announce his response. ‘No. It didn’t. I’m moving out of the house, and in with Wendy.’ Continue reading

#TeaserTues – Her Unexpected Life Excerpt Edited-3

Her Unexpected Life

As I’ve mentioned before I’m doing some edits.

I know some of you have read this before. If you have a minute give it another read in its updated form.

Her Unexpected Life 3-25-16
Her Unexpected Life – 12-15-15

Chapter One-End of January

In the middle of the pop isle at her local Hugemart, Valerie Cooper receives a text from her husband. ‘I’m moving out.’

Ha! Auto-correct, the technological version of that game telephone the girls play. Valerie’s thumbs wrestle with the touch screen of her phone to send her reply. ‘I think auto-correct got you. Lol!’ She tosses her phone back in her purse and moves on to the next isle.

A few cheerful jingles later announces his reply. ‘No, it didn’t. I’m moving out and in with Wendy.’

Continue reading

#TeaserTues #Fictionfriday – Her Unexpected Life Excerpt Edited-2

Her Unexpected Life

So I’m setting out to update all my social feeds and thought I might want to share the latest draft of Chapter One with some of my favorite folks.

Her Unexpected Life – 12-15-15

Chapter One-End of January

In the middle of the pop isle of the local Hugemart, Valerie Cooper receives a text from her husband, “I’m moving out.”

Valerie is certain that auto correct must be playing games with her and texts back, “What? I think auto correct got you.”

He replies back, “No it didn’t. I’m moving out and in with Wendy.”

Continue reading

ReBlog – Kobo Writing Life


For the month of November, a brave team of Kobo staff joined forces to give NaNoWriMo a shot. We blogged about our efforts throughout the month, then several of us (Mark, Christine, Bessie, Sophia, and Wendy) sat down to chat about our experience. Listen to this week’s episode to hear our roundtable discussion about how Team KoBoWriMo fared in 2015.

Source: Kobo Writing Life Podcast – Episode 047 – KoBoWriMo Roundtable | Kobo Writing Life

Switching Gears

Taking a break

I have been feverishly editing Out of the Blue yesterday I reached the half way point of the month and pages of the book.  🙂  I set the same goal for myself in editing as I did during NaNo 1667 words a day.  I reached 29,468 yesterday, my goal stated I need to be at 25,005.  I am technically ahead goal wise but to finish the book by the end of the month I am right on track.

So, I really don’t 4463 words edited ahead or over 2.5 days banked but I’m going to live like I do.  It hit me that I hadn’t included something into my NaNo that I wanted to.  So I am taking today off from Out of the Blue and reading Her Unexpected Life to see if the forgotten is needed.  I want to be ready for the Now What months of NaNo.  This is my first year so it will be interesting to see what it’s all about.  I’m hoping to learn something or a bunch of somethings.


Out of the BlueHer Unexpected Life

#TeaserTues – Her Unexpected Life Excerpt-1

Her Unexpected Life

Before I become crazy

I wanted to share an excerpt from my NaNo before the New Year hits and I start editing it.  This is unedited and written for NaNo.  So be kind.

Chapter One-End of January

Valerie Cooper drops her daughters off at school and heads to the grocery store alone. This is her youngest first year of being gone every day all-day and even with her decision to spend one more year trying to be a successful writer she often finds herself missing the company her children provided her. They were such a lovely distraction.

Continue reading

I still #amediting

  • This may take awhile

Over the last two days I have edited the same Prologue and beginning two chapters three times.  Time to move on to two other chapters.

I want to make a Scene/Story board but wonder if it would even be useful this close to finishing.  I have an outline by chapter and by book day but I am a visual person.  I would love to make a board of scene by scene action to gaze upon fondly but wonder if it would even be of any creative use.

I also did some more Christmas movie watching today even caught Ghostbusters 1 & 2.  The kiddos thought some parts were a bit scary so I ended up watching alone while they built castles in the kitchen.

Back to normal life for the next few weeks and then Christmas break will be here.  Have you gpt your Christmas shopping done?  I have a few left to get things for the toughies: a 16 year old and my gran who has probably gotten every present ever thought of twice.

I am excited to start my ‘what’s now’ #NaNoWriMo but first I need to decide if I’m happy with Her Unexpected Life’s ending.  Did you meet you MaNo goals?

(Sorry for the crazy hodge podge of thoughts tonight.  I need sleep.)



We wrapped some Christmas presents yesterday so today I took pictures of the kiddos in front of the tree.

I am editing Out of the Blue this evening while watching Christmas movies.  My husband looks at me like I’m crazy and goes into the other room to watch football. I love Christmas movies. So I’m getting more watching then efiting done but it’s suppose to be Thanksgiving Holiday Break.

Hope your NaNoWriMo is going well. I may have actually finished my NaNo entry. I got my 50,000 words on Thanksgiving but continued on a bit more. I can’t decide I need some tome away from it.

nanowrimo nano

Reblog – Day 27 NaNo writing inspiration

nanowrimo nano

Source: Day 27 NaNo writing inspiration: evoke sensation in the reader ‹ Reader —