Found motivation

But lost the battle to sleep

Summer Break

We have went bowling, skating, had recitals and visited family so far. More of the latter today. A few day trips are in our future along with some overnight ones.


I’m excited I got two more chapters edited last night. As it is June I’m past my deadline. So everything I do now is catch up. I’ll keep you up to date on my writing journey. I hope to be done by next week with my current edits. Out of the Blue is inching closer to being published so I may forgo my break from editing to get it ready and out in the world.


Trying a new page format with this post to see if I like it. Fingers crossed.

Editing – Progressing Slowly

No posts

Motivation has left me. But this is my progress from today and yesterday.


Word count now 52,065 – Goal 47,462 – Actual place from original document 48,172
Day 38 – Chapter 41
Words added to original document 3,893 – Word gain of 50.

I’m still ahead. I’m not going to make my goal of being done by the end of May. So, I’m thinking of revising it to when my kids are gone at ‘summer camps’ I’ll work on my book. Everyone is getting busy and it’s taking longer to get feedback from people. I wanted to take the summer off and hang with the tiny people but I hate to leave this unfinished. I only have 12 chapters left. So close!

Dance Recital

I have to cut this short because I have to travel an hour away to get dancers tights for Saturdays recital. Dress rehearsal at the venue tonight and pictures. Should be an interesting night. I have some post ideas churning in my head but I forget to write them down as they come to me in the middle of the night while I can’t sleep.


Field Day and no motivation


Field Day

I spent all day yesterday at my oldest school, helping with field day. It was a nice sunny warm day unlike last year which was chilly. I forgot to take my allergy medicine so standing outside in the grass lot behind the school led to much sneezing and sniffling on my part. My eye is a lovely red shade for my forgetfulness yesterday.

No Motivation

I don’t know if it’s the bought with my allergies from yesterday making me so tired and unwilling to work on my book. Maybe it’s the idea of going to work to only clean tonight that’s dragging my willingness to work away from me. I’ll post tomorrow if I eventually get motivated to edit today.

Editing and work

Late posts

This is my progress from yesterday. I struggled with motivation. Since we’ve gotten back from the water park I have taken a nap everyday. My little one is out of school now. She’s been crawling up next to me on the couch and within minutes falls asleep. I soon follow. I hope my napping passes soon my house can’t handle it.


Word count 46,898 – Goal 38,719 – Actual from original document 43,055

Woot, woot! I’m ahead. I’m not sure how I’m staying ahead but I hope it continues.

Day 31 – Chapter 36

Ahead again. The trend continues. Go, me! Go, me! Happy dance time.

Words added to original document 3,843 – Word loss of 41

I had no plans to add any words to this so the fluctuation doesn’t bother me. But since starting the second half it has been a decrease in word count. I have finally taken away more than I added in a day. It will take a while before I make a dent in the almost 4,000 words I added to the first half.


My work has closed until the 31st for deep cleaning. I hope to use these evening to do housework. I don’t get a lot done through out the day while editing. Dishes and laundry are the main things. They practically do themselves.

Recovering and editing

Not in that order


Day 30

Word goal 37,470

Words added today 79

Words added total 3,963

Place without words added 41,003

I’m in the middle of chapter 36. I’m not sure how taking three days off got me ahead of schedule but somehow it did. My chapter goal is 6 days ahead and word count is 3,500 ahead. (I’m tired so I might have read the calendar wrong. We’ll find out tomorrow night.) Adding to my word count has seemed to slow. I don’t know if this is a sign of the second half being better written or if I need to make better changes. I’ll try to add a photo of my edits tomorrow.


I’m still sore from the water park adventure. I had to work tonight and the girl blessed me by calling and asking me to switch hours with her. I worked less than three hours. I ‘ll hate this come payday but today my sore leg muscles are happy. I did make chili for dinner since I got off work early.


Editing part two

The right way


Over the weekend my editor sent me her edits for part two of Her Unexpected Life. I already had the edits of that section from a lady who helps me. So last night and this morning I went through and accepted or rejected all the editors. Then the lady’s. Finally I went through and deleted all my double spaces. As I go I’m going to try to add commas. I under punctuate. I’m also embarking on showing and not telling now. But I needed a break.

Water Park

The kids loved our trip to the water park. We were there for a few days and they still weren’t sick of it when we left. Mommy’s legs feel like jello so today is a couch day. I guess since it’s not peak season there weren’t any lines for anything. So, it was straight to the top of the water slide. No breaks on the climb.

At the hotel they have a magic wand quest game. We bought them a wand to share and went on adventures before and after we went to the water park. We didn’t get all of those accomplished. Maybe next time. The adventure spanned four floors and a lot of the time it was easier to take the stairs. Adding to the misery my legs feel today.

A few of our friends stayed as well and a few met us there. The girls enjoyed having their friends to play with at the water park. And us parents enjoyed having someone to talk to. Prior to their arrival my husband and I were doing divide and conquer. He took one and went one way and I took the other and headed somewhere else.

Hope you had a great weekend. Happy writing.

Edits and Water Parks


I completed adding my editors changes that I could find. I generally use the document she sends and prove or decline the changes for some reason I did not do that this time as I mentioned yesterday. Making adding her changes to my changes a crazy mess.

Now, I am going to add some things like scents and noises. I’m lacking in those. But I plan to be done with it by the time she sends me the other half back next week with her changes. I’ll use her documents this time. Lol!

Water Parks

We are  visiting an indoor water park today. Our first trip wish me luck.

Half way done

Sort of


I got the first half edits that I was doing yesterday done. I got the edits one of my reader does for me done. She is super at catching incorrect word use. And I started my editors grammar edits. I probably should have done this before I started editing altogether I would have made my life so much easier. But the edits I was doing were based on her comments. I just missed a few when I skimmed through the draft when she sent it back to me. I don’t make all her changes ever but if I had… Hind sight … blah, blah. I’m over half way done with that, on chapter 17, ten more to go. I’m taking the weekend off, hoping to get the other half of her edits for this so I can start it off right next week.

Chapters 26 and 27 edited.

Original word count was 62,451.

Words edited yesterday 35,591.

Total word count after edits 66,144.

Increase of 3,693 words.

Gain of 234 words.

Actual words minus increase 31,898.

Day 26 Goal 32,474.


Took my kiddos bowling yesterday and my four-year old beat me with a score of 104. I had 91. She got like three spares, it was awesome.