Why I don’t use Beta Readers #WriterWednesday #AmWriting

Happy Cyber Monday E-Book Sale Day!

Didi Oviatt -Author

HAPPY EAT YOUR HEART OUT ON E-BOOK SALES DAY!!!  Cyber Monday is possibly the biggest day there is for Kindle fans!  I personally have four books on sale, but the bigger picture is downloading every single one of your top TBR while they’re on sale! (the ones that actually are, anyway…. which is most likely a very large percentage of them!)

The first place to look is here!  This is a link to a whole slew of books that are on sale and it includes authors like L.S. Fellows, Barbara M. Webb, Felicia Denise, Jordan C. Robinson, Liv Bartlet, yours truly, and more!!

As for my own books, here are the links and descriptions of the ones you can find for 99 cents today!!  Enjoy shopping from home/the office ALL DAY LONG!  I know I will!

Since Maylee was abducted from her high school the very month of graduation…

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Brickley Jules (@brickleyjules) • Fun Instagram photos

E89E572D-541B-4A72-A9AA-F16C14B5D2EFJust a few fun things I find and repost from Instagram.

Source: Brickley Jules (@brickleyjules) • Instagram photos and videos

Free is always a good thing! #Books

Books make great gifts! #Sale

“In the Best Interest of the Child” #WriterWednesday

Felicia Denise, Author

Best Interest_Full_RevisedIn this short excerpt from In the Best Interest of the Child, Olivia Chandler is meeting Bruce Bellamy for lunch. There is a definite attraction between the two, but both are holding back – though Bruce…not as much! Enjoy!

Having arrived fifteen minutes early, Olivia took a few minutes to visit the ladies’ room to check her hair and makeup, and wash her hands. She was glad no one else was around because every time she glanced at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn’t stop herself from grinning.

“Get a hold of yourself, Olivia Louise! It’s just lunch with a man. You’ve done this more times than you can count.”

Exhaling slowly, Olivia hung her head. Yes, lunch with a man who seems to like me. Lunch with a man I actually like even though I just met him.

Olivia groaned and leaned against the sink. She should…

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Brickley Jules (@brickleyjules) • Fun Instagram photos


Just a few fun things I find and repost from Instagram.

Source: Brickley Jules (@brickleyjules) • Instagram photos and videos

Self-editing 101 – a primer #WriterWednesday #AmWriting #AmEditing

Brickley Jules (@brickleyjules) • Fun Instagram photos


Just a few fun things I find and repost from Instagram.

Source: Brickley Jules (@brickleyjules) • Instagram photos and videos

#NaNoWriMo Week 1

Who’s started NaNo?

(Not me!)

I’m sitting out this go round. I’ll name several excuses that are just that excuses but I’m planning on being ready for Camp Nano in April and June.

Excuse Number One

I started a new part-time job over the summer that added twice as many day job work hours to my yearly schedule.

Excuse Number Two

My new part-time job turned into a full-time job about a month and a half in; almost doubling my daily hours.

Excuse Three

I’m in mid-edit of a book I wanted to publish in October but because of Excuse One and Two I missed my self-inflicted deadline.

I’m pushing myself to get this book knocked out and then I’ll push myself to finish writing my draft of the next one. Why I thought it was a good idea to write two series at once is a mystery.

But ultimately isn’t that the point of NaNo? To push ourselves to do what we didn’t think we could? So, maybe I’m doing more NaNo then I thought. I’m channeling it’s get it done spirit despite the odds.

I’d love to hear how writing is going for you. NaNo related or not.