‘If I Knew’ by Renee Stanley needs Votes

If you have a chance go over to SOOP and give this lady your vote.

She has done a bunch to help me towards becoming a better writer.  She deserves some votes.

It just takes an email.

A childhood unrequited love. Lincoln was her big brothers best friend and out of her league. Indie was his best friends younger sister and completely off limits. Now Lincoln is set to marry Jasmine and Indie returns home to attend his wedding. All the feelings they had worked hard to push aside are suddenly back full force, the tension is thick and the desire is evident. With a fake boyfriend, a disapproving brother and a sex crazed fiance standing in their way;they must admit their feelings before Linc says I do to the wrong woman and loses Indie forever

Source: ‘If I Knew’ by Renee Stanley

‘If I Knew’ by Renee Stanley

If you have a chance go over to SOOP and give this lady your vote.

If I knewA childhood unrequited love. Lincoln was her big brothers best friend and out of her league. Indie was his best friends younger sister and completely off limits. Now Lincoln is set to marry Jasmine and Indie returns home to attend his wedding. All the feelings they had worked hard to push aside are suddenly back full force, the tension is thick and the desire is evident. With a fake boyfriend, a disapproving brother and a sex crazed fiance standing in their way;they must admit their feelings before Linc says I do to the wrong woman and loses Indie forever

Source: ‘If I Knew’ by Renee Stanley

ReBlog – SOOP 10th place – Renee Stanley


Check this out and consider voting for this lady.

If I knew ranked 10th place this week for votes with SOOP.  While it is still a long way from 1000 votes, I think it’s a great start and couldn’t be happier.

Source: 10th place – SOOP | A Bookish Delight