Bella Love-Wins Cabin Bear Heat #Review


I really feel this is some of Bella Love-Wins best work.

Cabin Bear Heat maybe Bella Love-Wins first venture into the shifter world but it doesn’t read like it.

It is an adaptation of a previous released work of hers; Cabin Heat which is book one in her Billionaire Romance Redemption series. She has carefully thought out her shifter rules and how that interacts with their world.  She expertly weaves technology into the story to tie the ancient to the modern.

Cabin Bear Heat

Our story begins with a group a college students heading back to school after a break.  A bad decision leaves them at the mercy of a kind stranger named Andrew. He is a wealthy recluse wrought with tragedy. Abby one of the students and Andrew has an instant connection he is certain he knows her.  Abby feels the heat between them as well.

The group of friends is in the hands of Andrew until things settle down. Their stay will him ends up being filled with danger. One of the group gets seriously injured and has to be med-flighted away.

Andrew is my favorite out of this large cast of people. His tortured charm and selfless caring of strangers is almost a requirement of every great hero. Barb is my least favorite character. She is as close to a villain as we get in this book. The misfortune of the group is really my least favorite but without its well-written nature, the story would be lacking.

2015 Year of Books

Brickley Jules

This is a pictorial list of the books I read in 2015.  Reviews for most of them can be found under the My Reviews section. I have 61 on here not to bad, I have a few I started but haven’t finished they will get counted when completed.

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Bella Love-Wins Website


I really enjoy this ladies books.  Check out her site.  I think she brings the heat.Source: Bella Love-Wins, Romance Author | Bella Love-Wins, Romance Author