Faleena Hopkins – Owned by the Alphas Part Four

Owned by the Alphas 4Faleena begins Owned by the Alphas Part Four right after the main event from Owned by the Alphas: Part Three.

Ali is completely spent after her steamy test between Red and Calt, leaving Calt, the winner, feeling unwanted. He thinks she should be more visibly happy, but shouldn’t he be too?

A few minor altercations lead to a much bigger event, catching Calt completely off guard but he is the only one. Maybe it’s time for some more changes in his pack. The tragedy of it all continues to spread through all the werewolves, as the situation gets direr. Ali is caught between the past and the present again, her few months of her new life put into jeopardy by one simple action that takes on a life of it’s own, flooding her with doubt.

I hope Faleena settles the past versus present debate soon because I don’t know how many more cliffhangers I can handle. This Part wasn’t as intensely steamy as the previous Part but it gave more insight into the characters and how they were evolving. I definitely would recommend this Part and the three before; it’s a good paranormal erotic romance. I really enjoy that Ali is finally beginning to try to hold her own and is embracing her pack. Some may deem the last few chapters as a betrayal but I think everything is finally working out like it should. We must adapt or die, embrace change to move forward or become stagnant in the memory of what was.

Faleena Hopkins – Owned by the Alphas Part Three

Faleena Hopkins has stuffed a lot into Owned by the Alphas Part Three.

Owned by the Alphas 3A few mysteries are solved in this one, tying up some loose ends from Part One and Two.  Poor Ali is struggling with her new life as part of a pack, simply because now she is popular.  Men are willing to fight to keep her and she enjoys the idea of them calling her theirs.

Red is one of those men but Ali is seething mad at him for not keeping his promise.  He desperately tries to convince Ali to go home with him and be his.  When he finally agrees to take her back they discover Ali’s pack gone. They assume the other pack woke, discovered Ali’s absence and went to find her.

Calt and the rest of his pack are on their way to Red’s den to confront Tawny, who has went there seeking refuge.  Blood is shed.  But a startling revelation is revealed and Calt orders a truce.  Tawny asks for asylum and Ali must choose which Alpha she is going to be with.  One of the she wolfs approaches Ali with a peaceful solution to the problem but Ali’s not sure if she’s ready for that big of a leap into pack life.

Up until the very end of this Part I had decided it was going to turn out one way.  That it had to because that was the only way to resolve it but Faleena Hopkins didn’t take that route and now I am left dumb founded.  I am anxious for Part Four to come out with the hopes that things may turn out the way I envisioned them.  A mysterious thing is going on with Ali and I can’t wait to see if that turns out the way I believe it will.

I think you probably could get away with starting at Part Three and not reading the other Parts but you would miss out on personal interactions between the characters that add to the story.  I recommend reading all three Parts to get full awareness of the characters and their world.  I have enjoyed reading all three pieces but I lay out this warning that if the first two Parts of this romance compilation were erotic to you then you better hold onto your socks because they are going to be blown off by this one.


Faleena Hopkins – Owned by the Alphas Part Two

Owned by the Alphas Part TwoFaleena Hopkins – Owned by the Alphas is Part Two in the Werewolves of Yosemite series.

Faleena Hopkins starts us right where we left off in Part One.  So Part One is definitely a prerequisite to gain full understanding of Ali’s situation and even Calt’s.  Ali is trying her best to fit into her new world but keeps tripping up. Something we have all experienced as the outsider at one time or another. She is also still reeling over her encounter with Jared from her past, now known as Red. Red can’t resist Ali and pursues her with no regard to Calt.

Calt is trying to gain respect from his pack in his new role as Alpha, a role that he obtained after his father ‘s death. So when Tawny gets a little to forceful and her anger causes her to make a rash decision it leaves Calt wondering why he couldn’t see what the rest of the werewolves in his pack saw. I can relate, grief can make us blind to the most obvious things.

Wholeheartedly, I feel for Ali because she is now torn between two extraordinary options. Red shares startling revelations with her, bringing new light to the whole situation. I can’t wait to see which she chooses. A part of me wonders if she gets her wish and can have both. I would definitely recommend this series but would warn it is extremely erotic compared to other romance books. The paranormal aspect of the characters (shape shifting werewolves) willingly adds to the eroticism of the books.