ReBlog – Why Does Your Protagonist Matter? – Rachel Poli


Characters are the heart of your story and the protagonist is everything. The protagonist is the one who drives the story forward, who advances and overcomes the plot, who makes your readers fall i…

Source: Why Does Your Protagonist Matter? – Rachel Poli

ReBlog – Grammar Check: Affect Vs. Effect

ReBlog – For those of us who may get confused some days. (Subtle cough.) I may be included in this group.

Affect and Effect are twins. Sometimes you can tell them apart, but other days it’s difficult. I hope this post will have a lasting effect on you. (See what I did there?) Affect Affect i…

Source: Grammar Check: Affect Vs. Effect – Rachel Poli

ReBlog – The Do’s and Don’ts of Editing a Novel

ReBlog – Great advice!

Guest bloggers visit my website twice a month on Tuesday and Thursday. If you would like to be a part of this, feel free to check out the Be a Guest Blogger page. This week’s guest post is brought …

Source: The Do’s and Don’ts of Editing a Novel – Rachel Poli