Waning progress


I got half way through editing another chapter the other day but progress has been glacial.


Theater Camp has started for my oldest. The teacher pulled me to the side and commented on how much she had matured over the last year. This is one of those bittersweet moments parents feel. I’m glad she’s maturing, this will open up new opportunities for her. But as her mother I miss the baby, the toddler, the preschooler and so on.

I took my youngest to the library to see Ronald McDonald but he was running late and wouldn’t be there till one. We had to get to camp to pick up my oldest.


I had a biker dream the other night which morphed into the idea for a book. I actually jotted down the idea and even ‘finished’ it. The story always goes the way it wants to when I write it but I did outline it till the end.